NCHA owns and operates two one bedroom Public Housing buildings in Northampton County.
These properties are the Oliver C Border House and the Howard Jones Manor. When you apply for NCHA public housing, you will be placed on a combined waiting list and you may get offers for either building. When your name comes to the top of the list, you will receive a letter informing you of the available apartment. We are required to send a letter to the next applicant on the list, regardless of building preference. You may notify the manager of your preference when you are offered an apartment.
These buildings are subsidized by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and are administered in accordance with HUD guidelines.
Public Housing units are available for anyone that meets the income and program eligibility requirements regardless of age, unless otherwise noted.
Applicants complete a pre application and get placed on a waiting list. NCHA follows HUD’s guidelines to admit 40% extremely low income families to their Public Housing buildings each fiscal year.
When the families name reaches the top of the waiting list the housing authority will verify all gross income, assets, and deductions to determine eligibility. A criminal history, credit check and housekeeping check will be completed as well. It is the family’s responsibility to keep NCHA updated on their address, income and family members in writing.
Once the family has been found income eligible they will be offered the next available unit according to the bedroom size requirements of the family. If the unit is refused, the family will either be moved to the bottom of the list or removed from the list, by the applicant’s choice or in accordance with NCHA’s Admission & Occupancy policy.
The current income limits (based on gross annual income) are as follows:
Family Size | Low Income | 1 | $55,100 |
2 | $62,950 |
3 | $70,800 |
4 | $78,650 |
5 | $84,950 |
6 | $91,250 |
7 | $97,550 |
8 | $103,850 |
* Income limits are subject to change without notification.
* Income limits may vary by program, please call or email NCHA with any questions you may have.

15 S Wood St
Nazareth, PA 18064
*Funded by HUD Public Housing Program